This is a movie for two types of people. Michael Jackson fans, and those who work on producing live events (theater/music/dance.)
Those expecting a freak show or a car wreck will be out 12 bucks and be bored. Jackson's voice wasn't so great, but it's functional, and more importantly, he could still move. He also had the world's best back up singers, dancers and band behind him, and when you've got that, you could be Dan Akyroyd and sound fantastic.
So it's not a fly on the wall at a disaster. But it's not exactly a celebration either. You can tell Michael Jackson was holding back, at least in terms of singing, because these were the dress rehearsals. At one point, when he really nails one his hits, he shakes his head and says "I shouldn't have done that." The crew eggs him on and he retorts, "No, no. I need to save my voice."
Which makes sense, and lends authenticity, but makes it something less than the most intense music concert movie ever, as promised by the ads. However, that's also what makes it interesting on a separate level, on the production level.
If you have ever worked on a live music, theater or dance show, you must see this film. You will see the best artists and technicians in the world doing some of their best work. Whether it's lighting, choreography, vocals or even the pyro guy; Jackson hired the best for his comeback, and you get to see them make their craft. Sometimes, it's more interesting to watch an artist noodling around with an idea than to actually see the finished product.
We do get to see the finished video that was to follow some of the songs, which is fantastic. Jackson inserts himself into an old Bogart movie, and they get into a shoot out during SMOOTH CRIMINAL. THRILLER gets some 3D effects and new zombies. Although my favorite may be the relatively unknown song THEY DON'T REALLY CARE ABOUT US, where ten dancers get multiplied into an infinite field of jack-booted thugs from the future doing drill routines to the beat. It's about as cool as this stuff gets.
The title of the movie is actually pretty sad. All Jackson wanted to do before he retired was give the world one last show, a show that could be called THE show. And based on this movie, it would have worked. Jackson's voice wasn't the best, but he still knew how to kick some ass in the realm of the pop spectacle. Ticketholders would have gotten their money's worth. He would have tasted that glory again. Instead, this is it. This is all he and we get. A fitting farewell, sure. But proof that he had more to do.
RATING: * * * (out of 5 stars)
P.S. Add a fourth star if you are a theater/music/dance professional.
P.P.S. There is one video and song that really bombs, his HEAL THE WORLD number. It's an awkward environmental message that doesn't really work. If you rent the movie, fast forward past this part.
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